Do you enjoy the act of learning? Are you fascinated by how your child's brain is developing, and why she behaves the way she does? Do you love spending time with kids?

If so, Skytown is looking for you!


Children are not the only people who are learning at Skytown.  There are many opportunities to learn as a parent at our school, particularly through participation in the classroom alongside our teachers.

Our monthly Membership meetings also serve as an opportunity to learn more about parenting and child development.  For example, each year the teachers discuss how children are exposed to math in the classroom.  They point out the ways in which math looks different in an early childhood space compared with an elementary school classroom.  Sometimes actual materials (blocks, sorting objects, etc) are incorporated in to the lecture.  Parents learn how to recognize children using the language of math in their play.


Our director, Allison Crapo, regularly reads and writes about Early Childhood Education.  We have had former teachers and parents studying ECE conduct research at Skytown and present their results to the membership.